Task Force commences 2012 IPv6 Readiness Survey

This year, the New Zealand IPv6 Task Force is repeating its survey of New Zealand IPv6 readiness. The Task Force is very keen to understand how New Zealand CIOs and IT departments are progressing with IPv6 and, as with previous years, the survey has been sent to the country’s Top 100 CIOs as ranked by MIS […]

New Zealand impact of World IPv6 Launch Day

On 6 June 2012, World IPv6 Launch Day went off with a  hiss and a roar. Launch Day proved interesting in New Zealand, with a marked increase in total IPv6 traffic and a flurry of pageviews on this website! Pageviews were up 10 times in percentage terms compared with pageviews on a normal day. That […]

Pearls of IPv6 wisdom at GOVIS

A small number of Government IT managers benefited today from an IPv6 pep-talk from the New Zealand IPv6 Task Force. Speaking at the GOVIS Conference, Task Force member Donald Clark was on hand to advise how best to go about implementing this most important of protocols. Clark’s message to the audience was simple; IPv6 is […]

More NZ public-sector websites available over IPv6

The New Zealand Government is making slow but steady progress on ‘www’ availability over IPv6.  Recent public-sector websites joining the ranks of the IPv6-enabled include those managed by the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Ministry of Social Development. Details below: Ministry of Defence www.defence.govt.nz 2402:6000:200:100::10 Ministry of Primary Industries www.maf.govt.nz […]

New Zealand IPv6 Task Force supports World IPv6 Launch

Media Release – 6 June 2012 – Today at midday New Zealand time, major global Internet companies including Facebook, Google and Yahoo will permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services. Organised by the global Internet Society, ‘World IPv6 Launch’ aims to motivate organisations across industry – including Internet service providers, hardware makers, and web […]