The purpose of these metrics is to further encourage the adoption of IPv6 and allow NZ’s progress to be benchmarked against other economies.
It aims to provide the following insights:
- status of service providers (supply side)
- status of content providers (demand side)
- level of actual uptake / usage of IPv6 (organisations and consumers)
- international comparison to our major trading partners
The benchmarking and metrics have been developed following these principles as closely as follows:
- publicly available data should be used
- historic data should (ideally) exist for chosen measures
- measures should target outcomes (results) wherever possible and not inputs
- leverage existing international frameworks where they exist
- ability to be replicated internationally by other economies
The metrics
Service provider readiness
1: % of NZ ASes announcing v6 prefix (RIPE measure)
2: v6-related queries to .nz root servers (NZRS measure)
3: Number and type of ISPs v6 offerings (Taskforce survey)
Availability of content and services
4: service availability of top NZ domains (Vyncke measure)
5: service availability of .nz ccTLD (TaskForce measure)
6: nz registrars offering v6 glue record services (DNCL measure)
Usage and uptake
7: confirmed v6 traffic flows from ISPs (M-Lab measure)
8: % of v6 capable end-users (APNIC measure)
9: v6 traffic levels on [WIX | large ISP]
We also provide a detailed description of each metric.
- Q1 2012
The NZ IPv6 Taskforce acknowledges the significant support it has had in preparing this benchmarking and metric framework and in allowing existing data sets to be used.
- The NZ IPv6 and networking community
- Sebastián Castro, NZRS
- kc claffy, CAIDA
- George Michaelson, Geoff Huston APNIC
- Eric Vyncke, Belgian IPv6 Council
- M-Lab team
- Able Technology
Please update this IPv6 statistics page! Looks like the info hasn’t been updated since about 2012.